PAT HOOD Rally Cards

Cancer is hard, one of the hardest kinds of hard. Having someone stare down cancer with you makes the situation more hopeful. The men and women we call Rally Card Writers do just that. Writers keep hope alive in the patients as they maneuver through the ups and downs of this relentless disease. Each Rally Card Writer (RCW) is assigned one cancer patient and commits to writing to that patient once a week. Many times the journey of cancer can be truly is a marathon. Many patients usually have a strong network and support system around them at the beginning, especially when initially diagnosed. But as life moves on, the patient is still in the fight but the support may be less. That is where Pat’s Rally Cards come in. We are there for the long haul. Weekly encouragement. Each note confirms to the patient that someone cares and they are not alone in this battle against cancer. In addition to writing, the RCW prays for their assigned patient whenever they come to mind, and more specifically during treatments and when tests, scans, or doctor visits loom ahead.

Who is a potential Rally Card Writer?

Men and women who are ready to serve others and are available to commit. Our writers may or may not have encountered cancer. Writers are caring, encouraging, compassionate, and gracious. This service is not the same thing as having a pen pal, as often the patients are not feeling well, are very busy with treatment/doctor schedules, and are still working and raising active families. For all those reasons, writing can feel very one-sided. 

What is important for RCWs to know is how appreciated they are. Every note seems to come at "just the right time." Every note brings hope... and is a little bright light to the day. The feedback has been tremendous from our patients. True relationships are cultivated from this selfless example of kindness.

Rexanna's Foundation offers support to every cancer patient that comes our way. While the foundation was formed to rally around lung cancer patients, over the years, the net has been cast wider to include men, women, and child patients with any type of cancer at any stage.

Rally Card Recipients agree to share updates with the Foundation and, therefore, with their assigned Rally Card Writer. Each update helps our RCW know how to pray and support more specifically. It is not required for a patient to respond to their RCW; however, in some cases, the patient and writer bond is strong and lasts beyond the treatment phase. Others who might want to receive rally cards are the caregivers of the cancer patient and we welcome the opportunity to offer that support.


In Memory of Pat Hood

Pat Hood was a remarkable woman, cherished as a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother. Her love for snowmen and her devotion to family illuminated her life. Witnessing her grandchildren growing up brought her immeasurable joy.

When cancer entered her life, her son Steve Hood sought to uplift her spirits regularly. He enrolled her to begin receiving Rally Cards from Rexanna's Foundation, which became a beacon of encouragement through her medical appointments and challenging days at home.

Pat expressed her gratitude, particularly for her Rally Card writer, "thank you for sending Julie Emmitt into my life. She is such a special lady." Pat was in communication frequently with our Executive Director, Lisa Spain. The entire time Pat was receiving the Rally Cards she was always commenting how much she loved receiving the cards and how much she appreciated her RCW.

Following Pat's passing, Steve sought to honor her legacy by supporting the Rally Card Project. Through his generous donation, the project will continue to provide comfort and encouragement to other cancer patients, ensuring that cards and stamps are readily available for volunteer writers. Pat's memory will live on through this meaningful contribution, touching the lives of many. Rexanna’s Foundation is proud to name the Rally Cards in Pat’s memory. Moving forward this project will be known as Pat’s Rally Cards in memory of Pat Hood.



We aim to have each affected individual enrolled in the program receive one card per week.

Through handwritten cards, signed by volunteer teams, we aim to give a personal touch to inspire the recipients with hope.


Anyone going through cancer treatment (any form of cancer).

Those caring for cancer patients.


Participants are eligible to receive cards while they are going through treatment.

16 cards per person (both recipient and volunteer) based on 4 weeks per month, for 4 months.

Ways to Participate


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a Recipient

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To inspire Hope